New Book Uncovers Biden’s Questionable Past

A just-announced book by Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow is adding fuel to the fire lit by reports of corruption by President Joe Biden and members of his family. The book uses extensive research compiled by some of the world’s leading experts to uncover patterns of corruption by the Biden family. The book comes after the U.S. House Oversight Committee recently released a 30-page memo detailing evidence of influence peddling by Biden and his associates.

“In virtually every area of Joe Biden’s life, I found more corruption, deception, and personal enrichment than I had anticipated,” Marlow told Breitbart News. “I had been following the Bidens for fifteen years before I took on this investigation, and I was consistently stunned throughout the process.”

The book, titled “Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration,” is set for release on October 3. It is available for preorder on now.

An unnamed source familiar with the content and quoted by Breitbart News claims the book details schemes to “extract cash from government-connected entities all over the world,” and highlights policy failures and times that Biden has put family financial gains ahead of American interests.

Marlow utilized the skills of the Government Accountability Institute, of which he is a fellow. Marlow said that the researchers he worked with at GAI uncovered a tremendous amount of evidence of corruption that could fill “many volumes.”

Reports of corruption by Biden and his family have circulated for years and have been frequently written off as conspiracy theories by Democrats, however, that view seems to already be changing. A recent Associated Press poll shows that Democrat voters are more concerned with Biden’s age than with his business dealings.

The report by House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) claims to have uncovered around 20 Limited Liability Corporations that appear to have been organized as a means of funneling foreign money into Biden family members’ bank accounts. The report claims that unnecessary financial steps taken are an indicator of an attempt to conceal the money from the public.

The publisher of the bombshell book, Simon & Schuster, is no stranger to controversy. In 2016, the publisher was accused of spreading hate speech after announcing they would publish a book by conservative speaker Milo Yiannoupoulos. Ultimately, the publishing company decided not to move forward with the book after receiving numerous threats from Democrats.

Hours after announcing that Breaking Biden would be released, the title had shot to #1 on the Ideologies and Doctrines Best Selling book list on Amazon. The number of pre-orders is not available at the time of this writing.