The View’ Co-Host Sunny Hostin’s Ignorant Rant: Black Conservatives Don’t Exist

Sunny Hostin, the controversial co-host of ABC’s “The View,” has once again demonstrated her narrow-minded perspective on race and politics. During Friday’s episode, Hostin went on an ignorant rant, claiming that black conservatives are as mythical as unicorns, sparking outrage among viewers and highlighting the show’s lack of intellectual diversity.

The discussion centered around Republican Rep. Byron Donalds’ (FL) recent comments about black America under Jim Crow laws. While Joy Behar questioned Donalds’ knowledge of history and Ana Navarro emphasized the importance of appreciating the struggles and sacrifices that paved the way for Donalds’ opportunities, it was Hostin’s comments that truly showcased her flawed logic.

Hostin expressed disbelief at the idea of a room full of black Republicans, asking, “Where are they?” She cited statistics claiming that 81 percent of black men and over 95 percent of black women are part of the Democratic Party, suggesting that the black men Donalds spoke with were as rare as unicorns.

However, Hostin’s argument is fundamentally flawed. While the majority of black Americans align with the Democratic Party, this does not negate the existence of black conservatives. Even if 95 percent of black women are Democrats, that still leaves a potential 5 percent who hold different political views. The same applies to the 81 percent figure she quoted for black men.

By likening black conservatives to mythical creatures, Hostin effectively erases their existence and invalidates their political beliefs. Her comments are not only ignorant but also dismissive of the diverse perspectives within the black community. It is a disservice to the ongoing discourse surrounding race and politics in America.

As a public figure with a platform to influence opinions, Hostin should strive for a more inclusive and nuanced understanding of the complexities within the black community. Her outrageous claim only serves to further divide and polarize, rather than foster meaningful dialogue and understanding.

It is time for “The View” to reevaluate the quality of its discourse and the intellectual diversity of its panel. Hostin’s ignorant rant is just one example of the show’s failure to provide a balanced and informed perspective on important issues facing our nation.