Space Force Nominee’s Actions Signal Ideological Purge In Military

The Biden administration’s recent nomination of Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting as head of the U.S. Space Force Command signals a disturbing trend of ideological purges in the military. The career of Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former Space Force commander, offers a potent case in point. He dared to decry the permeation of Marxist thought and critical race theory within the military ranks. His reward was an abrupt dismissal from duty at Whiting’s direction.

Whiting is no stranger to controversy. His decision to remove Lohmeier from command for criticizing the military’s promotion of Marxist ideologies speaks volumes about his alignment with these ideologies. Lohmeier voiced his concerns about the military’s increasing embracement of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts during a May 2021 podcast interview while promoting his book, “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.”

“DEI is a divisive and poisonous ideology that favors dismissing merit to discriminate based on characteristics such as skin color and gender characteristics,” Lohmeier contended. Following this interview, Whiting fired Lohmeier due to a supposed “loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.”

Here is an interview given by Lohmeier shortly after his 2021 dismissal:

Whiting’s nomination is particularly problematic given his prior involvement in advancing DEI ideology within the military. He championed the cause of ‘diversity and inclusion’ in a February 2021 Facebook post. He argued, “We know that talent is evenly spread across this country through all demographics, but opportunity is not.”

But the problem extends beyond Whiting’s nomination. Gen. Charles Q. Brown, another Biden nominee serving as Air Force chief of staff, endorsed DEI teachings. He candidly admitted to hiring for diversity when building his staff.

Indeed, Lohmeier’s criticism was not confined to the military alone. He took umbrage with The New York Times’ 1619 Project, alleging that the initiative is pushing “anti-American” concepts throughout the armed forces.

According to Lohmeier, the military is being used as a platform to push for political agendas that are “fundamentally incompatible and competing narratives of what America was, is, and should be.” This politicization is particularly damaging to a sector that should focus on meritocracy, national defense and unity rather than promoting divisive ideologies.

The worrying aspect is that Lohmeier’s dismissal sends a chilling message to other service members who might share his concerns. His removal indicates that anyone who refuses to follow the prevailing ideological direction could face a similar fate. This situation has severe implications for military readiness and morale.

The promotion of ideologies within the military, particularly those grounded in Marxism, detracts from the primary focus of military readiness and defense. It also raises questions about whether the Biden administration is more interested in promoting partisan ideologies than ensuring the military’s effectiveness.

As the Senate Armed Services Committee reviews the nominations of both Whiting and Brown, it must scrutinize their professional capabilities and their potential to politicize the military further. If the committee and the administration genuinely value the military’s ability to defend the nation, they must prioritize maintaining an apolitical, merit-based military force over ideological purges.

Ultimately, the military’s role is to serve and protect all Americans, not promote partisan ideologies or engage in cultural warfare. It’s high time our leaders remember that.