Watchdog Relay

Knowing what happens, when it happens is critical for the conservative American. When you’re busy, though, it’s challenging to stay on top of everything. That’s why Watchdog Relay provides news summaries and reports about critical information. We focus on American Watchdog issues such as the right to speak and worship freely, the right to bear arms, and the right to life. When congressional actions or the liberal media threaten these freedoms, we’ll tell you about it!

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Student Denied Access To Counseling Service Because He’s White

A sizable segment of the population believes that it is impossible for any non-White person to be racist, which has inevitably led to a...

Russian State TV Discusses Unleashing Nuclear Torpedo

Retired Russian Gen. Yevgeny Buzhinsky suggested the Poseidon nuclear-capable super torpedoes ought to be used against Western forces. Buzkhinsky’s remarks were made on Russian state...

Parents’ Political Ideologies Have A Catastrophic Effect On Teenagers’ Mental Health

A recently published op-ed suggests that parents’ political ideologies are having a devastating effect on their teenagers’ mental health — resulting in “persistent sadness...

Washington Bill Would Destroy Free Speech, Criminalize Opposing The Left

A bill being pushed in Washington state that is supposedly designed to prevent domestic terrorism would actually criminalize free speech and create an Orwellian...

Congressional Hearing On ‘Twitter Files’ Turns Chaotic As Democrats Press Journalist To Disclose Sources

Speaking at the House Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday, Democrats harangued American journalist Matt Taibbi in an effort to make him uncover sources that provided...

Taliban Armed With $7.2 Billion In US Weaponry

The Biden administration’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan is a gift that keeps on giving, according to a new report. The Taliban is currently in...

Canada To Investigate Chinese Meddling In 2021 Elections

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicated on Monday that he will select a special investigator to determine if there should be an investigation into...

New J6 Tapes Show Capitol Police Guiding ‘Q-Anon Shaman’

Newly leaked surveillance clips from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 have uncovered that police inside the building offered Jacob Chansley, more widely...

ESPN Hosts Argue Over NBA’s ‘Racist’ MVP Vote

ESPN commentators JJ Redick and Kendrick Perkins came to a head this week over Perkins’ consistent complaints that voters for the NBA MVP award...

Twitter Revenue Falls After Musk Purchase

Twitter’s revenue dropped sharply in the most recent data, showing a possible soft boycott of the platform after its purchase by Tesla founder Elon...

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