The United States Navy’s SEAL Team 6 is reportedly preparing for a potential confrontation with China over Taiwan, training for over a year to handle a situation that many experts warn could become a reality soon. The Financial Times reports that the elite U.S. Special Forces unit is honing skills that may be critical if China follows through on its threats to invade Taiwan.
China has been ramping up military activity in the South China Sea, claiming wide areas of ocean as its own and fortifying artificial islands with missile launch sites. These moves, seen as a direct challenge to American naval power, are raising alarm in the Pentagon.
SEAL Team 6’s secretive training at its Dam Neck headquarters signals that the U.S. is taking the potential threat very seriously. If China invades Taiwan, U.S. forces, including Navy SEALs, could face grim conditions, especially with China’s missile systems in place to block American reinforcements.
To counter this, the U.S. has reopened two Pacific airstrips that date back to World War II, giving the military a supposed edge if tensions with China boil over. These airstrips are roughly 1,600 miles from the Chinese coast and could play a key role in any future conflict with the Eastern nuclear power.