Last week, ten Mercer County, New Jersey residents filed a complaint to the Superior Court regarding voter disenfranchisement linked to Dominion Voting Systems during the 2022 and 2023 elections.
The 306-page complaint, first featured on Gateway Pundit, described how voters were “stripped” of their voting rights due to the system’s failure.
According to the complaint, Mercer County voters were originally scheduled to use paper ballots in the Nov. 2022 election. Those were then to be scanned into tabulating machines at the polling site. All of the county’s tabulating machines failed to work on election day, resulting in many votes being invalid.
BREAKING: Residents of Mercer County, New Jersey have filed a lawsuit against their Election Officials for voter disenfranchisement after many Dominion Voting Systems had many "errors" that caused tabulators to stop working in both the 2022 & 2023 elections
The citizens provide… pic.twitter.com/W6aMNUzaPb
— George (@BehizyTweets) February 21, 2024
The lawsuit includes a variety of evidence, including Dominion Voting Systems’ failure to update the numbering of ballots. The company, along with Royal Printing, was notified via phone and email that there would be changes to the ballots on October 5, 2022, by the Mercer County Clerk.
Dominion failed to re-code the ballot IDs for Election Day and Early Voting despite the notification.
“Upon information and belief, the reason the tabulating machines did not work is because Dominion failed to update the numbering of ballots after a change was requested by the Mercer County Clerk, so the tabulators did not recognize the ballots as legitimate,” the lawsuit reads.
Royal Printing, however, updated and changed their ballots.
The lawsuit also stated that there was no protocol for properly handling the paper ballots. The BOE and Superintendent of Elections were accused of not training District Board workers on properly handling the paper ballots, failing in a “secure election.”
Workers were also not trained on the protocol and procedures to follow if one of the machines malfunctioned.
According to the lawsuit, at least 759 voters had their votes rejected. Some voters were left uncertain if their votes were even counted since there was no record from the electronic poll books of them checking in.
“Entire bags of votes were misplaced, bags and machines containing ballots were not properly sealed, and at least 1500 ballots were found left behind in tabulators six days after the election,” the lawsuit states.
Furthermore, the New Jersey District Board Training manual states that there should be an emergency voting plan put into place by the Mercer County Board of Elections. The lawsuit argues that there was no emergency plan set into action.
Due to the failure of Dominion Voting Systems, there is no known way of knowing the exact results of the election. There is a 4,849-vote discrepancy between the amount of votes reported to the public and the amount of Election Day votes reported to the state with no resolution.