Commentator Questions If Democrats Made A Mistake Replacing Biden With Harris

With the 2024 election just around the corner, a growing number of Democrats are questioning whether they should have kept Joe Biden as their candidate instead of Kamala Harris. A column by Harlan Ullman, published in The Hill, has sparked conversation by suggesting that, despite Biden’s age and cognitive challenges, he may have been a stronger candidate than Harris.

Ullman points out that the race remains too close to call, but recent weeks haven’t been kind to Harris. Polls show Donald Trump narrowing the gap, with some even suggesting that he may now be leading. This has led some Democrats to wonder if Biden, who stepped down amid concerns about his health and age, would have been able to handle Trump more effectively.

Ullman specifically questions whether Biden’s withdrawal was the right move, noting that certain events—such as Harris’ June 27 debate with Trump—have not played out in the Democrats’ favor. That debate, in particular, has been cited as a major setback for Harris.

If Trump wins, especially by a significant margin, Democrats may find themselves in a period of intense reflection and internal strife. The question of whether Biden would have been a better candidate could dominate post-election discussions.

As the race tightens, Ullman’s column has brought to the forefront a dilemma that many Democrats are now grappling with.