Chinese Lawmakers To Consider Freezing Single Women’s Eggs

The Chinese Communist Party’s yearly ‘two sessions’ — concurrent meetings of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) — are slated to start Saturday, March 4.

Meetings this year will likely focus on the woeful state of China’s economy, the worsening demographic crisis, and the change in government officials that takes place every five years, Breitbart News reported.

As the outlet noted, the NPC is China’s so-called ‘legislature,’ which holds discussions before unanimously voting to support whichever policy is desired by Chinese Communist Party dictator Xi Jinping. There is also the CPPCC, which reportedly cannot truly exercise its own form of state power. According to the group’s official website, the organization is “the patriotic united front of the Chinese people,” and is “important” for both multiparty cooperation and “promoting socialist democracy in China’s political activities.”

Among the agenda for the Two Sessions of 2023 is a planned proposal advocating for the Chinese government to legalize the ability for single women to have their eggs frozen in hopes that they can bear children later in life.

“I wish some breakthrough can be made in loosening rules on egg-freezing for single women in a bid to effectively preserve and protect their fertility,” Lu Weiying, who is a part of China’s top political advisory body, reportedly told the Global Times on Monday.

China put out its first official acknowledgment in January that its net population is suffering from a decline, signaling that the nation may be prioritizing initiatives to help it climb once again.

China, which has for decades been the most inhabited country on Earth, is likely to have its population soon surpassed by The Republic of India. A look at a graph comparing the two nations reveals that India’s population has been growing at a far higher rate in recent times.

At least some Chinese citizens have called for the government to allow the freezing of eggs before, as was seen in a 2019 report posted by the Alibaba Group-owned South China Morning Post.

Learn more about China’s planned meeting.